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FOTO Friday!!!!

It's our second Foto Friday, I was traveling last week so I missed last Friday.  I'm going to post something each Friday to celebrate random creativity!

If you have something random and creative you would like to submit I would love to feature other people's work as well.  Submit your photo and a description about it to fotofriday@carriewildes.com

While traveling, I started reading the book The Shack by William P. Young.  I don't make the time to read much unless I am laying on the beach or stuck on an airplane unfortunately.  This book is amazing though, you should pick it up if you haven't read it! Anyway, the reason I mention it is because the way the author wrote it truly made you feel like you were there and I can picture what the story and characters looked like. So, I'm working on my writing skills and describing what I am photographing and why so you can feel like you were there. 

The picture I chose for today I'm calling "dusk".  It was a perfect sunset where the sun was muted slightly by the clouds so you can see the crisp outline of it.  I saw this couple way down by the water just watching the sunset.  They were just enjoying the moment as the sun disappeared into the horizon. 

Here's the specs: Shot with Canon 5D, 70-200 f/2.8 IS lens, settings: 1/60 sec f/2.8 ISO 100 at 200mm no photoshop necessary on this one.

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