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{Stacey + Edwin @Rusty Pelican}

Stacey and Edwin's favors were Dove Promises and one that I opened said "Life is Good".  I thought that was a great description for them, and to use for my ring shot:-)  Edwin is a cancer survivor and they have a 5 week old little baby girl who is adorable.  Edwin's dad was taking care of her a lot of the time during the wedding and he is such a sweet grandpa.  It rained, which I finally learned the reason it's good luck is an Indian tradition, when you tie a knot and it gets wet, it is harder to untie. There's your fun fact for the day:-)  It did clear up for some pretty sunset pics.   I think I need to invent something for lens fog, it's so frustrating when it's a sauna outside and you go from the AC to outside and your lens fogs up.  Maybe next time I'll bring my scuba diving de-fogger I wonder if that would work?  It did make for a little bit of a cool filter though:-)  Congrats Stacey & Edwin!!!! xoxoxox

Venue: Rusty Pelican, Hair: Mattie - The Hair Place, DJ- Eric Hardy

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